Ed-tech Learning App UI Kit


A simple and convenient way to build an application for online education


Product designer


UX / UI Design






In 2021, I revised my approach to my personal projects. I wanted not only to create interesting concepts, but also to monetize them. So I decided to focus on UI Kits design.

To test the pen, I decided to try to start with the field of online education, as I had experience working on Courson. I needed to carefully transfer the experience from the web to mobile devices. Of course, leaving space for visual experiments.


I decided to use a product approach while working on the UI Kit. The end users of my product are other designers and it's easy enough for me to understand what they want to see in my product.


I spent a significant part of my time to research other online education applications. My task was to collect the most successful solutions in information architecture and there is nothing to miss so that UI Kit covers as many scenarios as possible.


The next stage was the creation of prototypes of all pages of the future UI Kit. My task was to create a convenient and simple structure.

I paid special attention to the following sections: onboarding and personalization, a catalog of educational materials, a study room, chats and groups.

When the prototypes were ready, I focused on working out the UI as well as the design system. This allowed me to immediately determine the set of necessary elements and quickly refine the screens.

I focused on adapting to iOS devices, also added a dark and light theme. I also wanted to pump up 3D skills, and developed a set of 3D icons specifically for this UI Kit.

Launch and support

After the launch, I concentrated on collecting feedback from UI Kit users. This helped me to find and correct errors and inaccuracies faster. It also made it possible to collect wishes for the next updates. So the audience of users helped me to significantly improve my product.